A review by neilcake
The Girl in a Swing by Richard Adams


I enjoyed the beginning, and the end very much. The middle seemed to drag on quite a lot though with nothing happening. I'm not sure I get it either. There's a bit where Karin says, "you know who I am?" and Alan says "yes", and he keeps referring to how he knows who she is. I don't know who she is. I know what she's done [I think], but I don't understand why she did it. And why, if she has done that, Alan isn't bothered by it. Perhaps some other Goodreader can enlighten me in the comments. Because I've either missed something explicit from earlier in the story, or something implicit that perhaps wasn't made clear enough. Or there's a fault in the logic.

I like Richard Adams' novels though. I think I only have two left to read - The Plague Dogs, which is in my cupboard, and Maia, which I haven't found yet. I'll be sad when there are no more. The Girl in the Swing isn't as good as Watership Down or Shardik though.