A review by palinss
Evocation by S.T. Gibson


I feel really, really lucky to have gotten to read this book so early. A Dowry of Blood was my favorite book of last year, so I am so excited to dive headfirst into everything Gibson will be writing.

Let's first talk about what this book does well. I ADORED these characters. David, Moira, and Rhys brought a life to the story that is unmatched. I loved the deep history between David and Rhys as well as the new story they built on the pages. Rhys and Moira were an exciting duo to read. Finally, David and Moira were interesting to discover while reading. I loved the way these three circled each other, but they each have incredibly distinct personalities outside of their interesting relationship dynamics.

What I found to be lacking was the world. The entire story revolves around a secret society of wizards(?) and the reader is given little to no information about this society. It's history, practices, secrecy, etc. Magic has very few parameters or clear boundaries, and if you know me, you know I believe all magic should have strict boundaries or costs. The plot was fine and kept me hooked just enough, but was also not the shining star of the book.

Overall, these characters were to die for. I absolutely will continue to read this series because of them and I cannot wait to see how their dynamic changes over the next books!