A review by lostinagoodread
Streamline by Jennifer Lane


Originally posted on Cozy Up With A Good Read

In the beginning it took me some time to get into this story because it is told from so many different perspectives, but as I got further along it became more interesting and I was excited to see how another one of the characters would think of certain situations. I found this book a quick read because each of the chapters were short and I found myself flying through to see what would happen next with each character.

This is a great story that delves deep into the many different relationships of the characters. Jennifer Lane also really shows how abuse affects everyone differently. I found myself drawn more and more into the story as things progressed and I wanted to see what would happen when everything finally blew up.

I really enjoyed how Jennifer added in a little bit of a mystery to the story as well. Audrey's father is in prison for a murder, but some people don't believe he actually committed the crime. It was really interesting to find out what really happened, I did kind of see it coming but at the same time was still a little taken back.

I felt that I could connect with the characters in this story (which for me makes a great novel). I felt that Jennifer really connected with the emotional side of Leo, which is great because you don't see that a lot in books, a male character showing off their emotions. That was another thing that was enjoyable about the book, the main character was a male (though there were some points where you get Amy's perspective). It was nice to see all the characters connected to one another in different ways.

Jennifer adds a lot of different ideas to her book. It was interesting to see how she added in swimming and the army to the lives of the characters. These were large parts of the book as well and added a lot to the personalities of the characters.

This was an interesting book and very quick to read, but it definitely deals with a difficult theme, Jennifer really hits the emotional aspect in her writing.