A review by kmecholsky
A Time to Be Born by Dawn Powell


Go to the bookstore or library and buy a Dawn Powell novel now.

You have no excuses anymore. You've never heard of her until now. And now that you have, you must read her.

Dawn Powell's A Time to Be Born is a vicious indictment of the intelligentsia of 30s and 40s New York society. Scratch that. It's a vicious indictment of society period. Imagine a Theodore Dreiser novel (I'm thinking Sister Carrie). Now imagine that Theodore Dreiser novel written by Jane Austen. Now imagine every character in that Jane-Austen-written Dreiser novel utterly drunk, defensive, and self-deceived. Throw in a dash of Vonnegut/Wilde-an wit and you have an idea of what a Dawn Powell novel reads like.

If you like Modernist fiction, especially Modernist fiction featuring loads of drunken, broken people, read A Time to Be Born. Just read it. You're not going to regret it.