A review by bitsandbobsdivination
Openly Straight by Bill Konigsberg


I listened to the audio book for this one and honestly loved it! Not gonna lie though, definitely felt like it ended short. Like we didn’t have to see him end up with Ben for it to be a well rounded story, but it needed something after the break???

I wanted to read this book a few years back but couldn’t afford it and wasn’t sure by the title and cover of it was gonna be a bit like surface level. It definitely wasn’t! I could really connect with him in so many ways as coming out is a life long experience and at times with the right people there is no spot light. We are just people who are lots of things and that’s one part. Other times it’s not like that. It’s a huge spotlight, questions, murmurs, and stares, or generally you are just that one part and the other parts get lost. I can completely understand and resonate with wanting to just explore what not having to explain is like. To say something that relates to my sexuality without a double take, or this shift, even if positive.

It was beautiful to see him exploring this concept and how it can be freeing but only momentarily as the closet is hard.

That all being said, I loved that we also got to see Ben explore his first big experiences too. See how they can connect. I do feel for them both at the end. I think it could definitely be resolved but time also is needed.

I’m excited to see where this series goes now that I just found out there is more!