A review by bergamotandbooks
Dawnkeepers by Jessica Andersen


Okay, if it were possible, I would give this 4.5 stars. The reason being is that it took quite a bit longer for me to get sucked into the story than the first book in the series did. That being said, once the ball got rolling (so to speak) I couldn't put it down!

Again, there is a lot of history being thrown at you through the book - so if you're hoping that most of the stuff was explained in the first book and this one would be more action-romance, you'll be sorely disappointed. Granted, there was a lot more romantic tension in this book which made me want to smack our H/H to their senses for most of the book - as well as Rabbit, the poor boy, who always seems to do the wrong things for the right reasons.

Can't wait for the next installment!