A review by phaedraismyusername
Thrum by Meg Smitherman

dark mysterious


This one hurts my feelings because that first chapter is all I've ever wanted from my Sci fi horror. The writing perfectly captures both the intensely claustrophobic nature of being in a space ship and the overwhelmingly vast nightmare to the senses that deep space should invoke. My hopes were so damn high.

But the writing lost a lot of that sentence by sentence descriptive care as the Dorian interactions increased, which makes narrative sense for the author to choose to do, but it did take away the thing that hooked me to begin with.

The reveals were fine, I had guessed them but that's super common for me considering how much I read it's hard to truly surprise me at this point, so I really don't hold that against a story.

However, I do have some giant complaints that I just can't see past -
1 - Ami never feels like a scientist, i couldnt even tell you what her field was or why she was one of 4 people chosen out of the whole entire world of possible applicants, 2 - how the fuck do you kill three grown adults while they sleep in a shared tin can with nothing but a tiny scalpel cut to each of their arteries, it's just so dumb, and 3 - absolutely no officiating body, governmental or private, is sending anyone who can be pointed to with the statement 'you've seen her psych eval, id keep an eye on her'
I mean come on???? I'm all for suspending my disbelief to immerse myself in a story but I cannot turn my brain off entirely lol.

So yeah, super disappointing. And it's a shame because the author can clearly write, those plot holes need work though.