A review by saylorrains
The Night Shift by Alex Finlay


Happy Publication Day!! This was a great read for me, definitely a favorite author of mine now.
The Night Shift was like coming home and realizing it smells just as good as you remember— in this case home is Alex Finlay’s writing.

FBI Agent Sarah Keller is back, investigating what could be two connected crimes fifteen years apart. In 1999 four teenaged girls working at a Blockbuster were attacked, and only one survived. History repeats itself all these years later in an ice cream shop. After the suspect from fifteen years ago disappeared, could this be the same killer, a copy cat, or is this something else entirely?

Alex Finlay is a master of keeping you on the edge of your seat, suspicious of everyone. He creates real, flawed, well-rounded characters, lays out a phenomenal and complex plot, and is well practiced at writing alternating perspectives without a single one being boring. I read this all in one sitting and I kept jotting down theories for each thing said, heard, or realized throughout the story and one of them panned out!

The one thing I do not forgive Alex Finlay for: just like after reading Every Last Fear I feel genuine heartbreak for some of these characters and I now need to decompress once again.

This was an amazing read, thank you to Alex Finlay, St. Martin's Press/Minotaur Books, and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this incredible ARC.