A review by mochagirl
Blood on the Leaves by Jeff Stetson


Set in Jackson, Mississippi, Blood on the Leaves weaves around wonderfully drawn three-dimensional characters amid social injustice and long suppressed memories. The catalyst is in the actions of one charismatic Professor Martin Matheson, a disputatious community leader, who uses his classroom as a medium to resurface 30-40 year old unsolved crimes involving murdered/lynched blacks. He wantonly distributes the names and addresses of whites suspected of carrying out theses deadly deeds and when the white named suspects are murdered in similar manners as the black victims, pandemonium breaks loose and Matheson is arrested and charged with murder. The community is immediately split along moral and racial divides.

The core of the story centers on theatrical courtroom scenes of Professor Matheson's trial; however, it is the internal struggles of the key characters that add depth and drama to the plot. For example, prosecuting attorney James Reynolds is the only black assistant DA with an impeccable win ratio and is also a social acquaintance of the defendant. Reynolds is assigned to prosecute Matheson against his wishes by his racist and inept boss (the County's District Attorney). He suffers from haunting, sleep-depriving nightmares, and wrestles with his own internal morals regarding justice and duty. Todd Miller, Matheson's defense attorney, is a white Civil Rights lawyer who was disowned and disenfranchised by his family in the 1950's for his liberal political views. Stetson also interjects ingenious subtle references to and commentaries on modern day political groups and social issues that trigger deep internal examination on the reader's part.

Bravo, Mr. Stetson! This book is extremely well done - a true page-turner until the very end! When I finished Blood on the Leaves, I was emotionally drained but thoroughly entertained! Stetson's skill as a playwright brought the story to life via dialogue, carefully crafted scenes and vivid imagery. It is a suspenseful, thought-provoking story that grapples with age-old concepts of revenge, redemption, and morality! This book is most definitely on my 2004 favorites list and I am looking forward to the next release.