A review by kacey7
Our Time Is Now: Power, Purpose, and the Fight for a Fair America by Stacey Abrams


Hello, I’m back a few months later to say Stacey Abrams is a bad bitch and everyone should read this book.


Stacey Abrams is a fucking queen no ifs, ands or buts.

What a year, what an election, what a nightmarish four years. I started reading this a few months ago, as I started out at my new job - working directly on the election, as well as various ballot campaigns. I had lost my job in June, so I spent a few weeks trying to find something new. I had always enjoyed politics and social justice, so when I saw an opportunity to work for a progressive youth voting organization, I jumped on it.

A lot of the things I was learning in my job position are also discussed in this book. I worked directly with registering voters and guiding them through the voting process so I unfortunately learned all about our assbackwards election system and how it continually seeks to disenfranchise voters. Stacey Abrams is an icon of voter empowerment, especially in BIPOC communities. Knowing what goes in to this work, the dedication and endless drive to keep pushing forward, I can say that she is one of the most influential activities out there and given the opportunity she can do incredible things in our country.

Voter suppression is very real and very evident in the US. One of the most blatant examples was when Abrams ran for Georgia governor in 2018 and that is essentially where this book originated from. It’s a must read, especially if you haven’t looked much into election laws and how our system is formulated to make it very difficult to vote, specifically for marginalized folx. Stacey Abrams has worked her ass off these last two years in Georgia trying to overcome the very voter suppression she was victimized by. Georgia went BLUE, and there’s no doubt she played a key role along with other Black women activists.

Read this. Marinate in it. Let it horrify you, because it should. In a supposedly “free” democracy, they sure make it as hard as possible for every voice to be heard.

I love the US. I do. I hate it sometimes, I’ll say I want to leave, and I am disappointed, ashamed, and disheartened by half of the people that live here, but I have faith and hope that we can and will be better.