A review by saylorrains
Floating Underwater by Tracy Shawn


This is a thoughtful book, and I can see a lot of women really relating to the main character or immersing themselves in this world. Paloma is experience aspects of both the normal human, woman experience and also of mystical or magical elements.

Paloma has had visions all of her life, but after her third miscarriage she goes on an adventure of discovery. She is figuring out more about herself and her family on this journey. This book deals with plenty of tragic topics from miscarriage to mental health.

The writing is good and the characters are well-written; you can always tell when the characters are good because you’ll find yourself getting heartbroken for them or in some cases hating them/infuriated by them (I was infuriated by one of them for sure). When an author has brought up strong emotions like that, they’ve managed to create some great, well-rounded characters.

My main problem with the book was where something would happen that I would be so interested in, can’t wait to see what something means or what happens next, and then the story would seem to stall or plateau for a while. It made the book feel like it dragged a little bit. The ending is a bit of a surprise too!