A review by briangodsey
The Count of Monte Cristo [Abridged] by Alexandre Dumas


I love the movie (the one starring Jesus/Jim Caviezel) and I went in with high expectations for the story, but low expectations for the writing. I had these expectations because action and thrillers lend themselves better to the silver screen than they do paper, and also because the foreword of the edition that I read claims that Dumas' writing is not the best. I was positively surprised all around.

First of all, the plot is different enough from the movie to make it almost seem like a different story, although Edmond and Mercedes always looked like their corresponding movie roles, among other characters. And, the story is interesting from beginning to end. I had expected a much more long-winded explanation of everything, but I never got bored. Perhaps because I was reading the abridged version. I hope to read the full, two-volume version at some point.

Even the writing, though, was clear and to the point. I liked Dumas' manner of description; it's very direct, even blunt, but effective.