A review by abby_ace_of_books
Our Violent Ends by Chloe Gong


One of the few times where I actually liked the romance as much as the plot (if not more).

"'I wish we had been born as other people,' she whispered. 'Born into ordinary lives, untouched by a blood feud.' ... 'No,' Roma finally said. 'Then we would not have met. Then I would have lived an ordinary life, pining for some great love I would never find, because ordinary things happen to ordinary people, and ordinary people settle for something that satisfies them, never knowing if there would've been greater happiness in another life...I will fight this war to love you, Juliette Cai. I will fight this feud to have you, because it was this feud that gave you to me, twisted as it is, and now I will take you away from it'"(321).