A review by viuks
The Rycke by Lily Mayne


Another monster couple, another win.

The first book in the series that explores darker and gray-er themes. So far, it has been difficult to view MC (and some side character) monsters in this series as anything but good. They are caring, loving, and the violence is instigated by some outside baddies. It objectively is easy to root for them. The Rycke makes a deviation here and we have the first monster with whom it is not so black and white.
I wish the author would not try to fix that by teaching Aury self-control, but instead leaving him as a more complex and gray character. It would be the perfect setting to explore the good and bad, the right and wrong of this new human-monster world. But it is not that kind of book.

I enjoyed myself immensely, and this dystopian gay paradise is my new favourite fantasy world :)