A review by dawndiscusses
Spilt Milk by Kopano Matlwa


I really wanted to like this :( Matlwa constructed a really compelling world, with some well-thought-out characters and a couple of key issues she was really keen to hit, however the writing missed the mark. Wordy, scattered and rushed, I agree with some of the other reviewers that perhaps something longer where she could really flesh out her ideas, would've been beneficial. For example, we get very little on the backstory of the two main characters, and what little we do get only brings about more questions on their relationship. The characters of the parents (apart from one) were constructed well but under-used, as were the other faculty members. The twists were rushed, especially that final one, and the earlier one felt sensationalist and I think provided insight into the main male character but wasn't explored or even really addressed in a satisfying way. There were chunks of really good writing, and again despite everything, I still find the general concept and the bits of world-building we got, really intriguing.

I could probably rate this one star, it felt like a first draft and I can't think of a single thing outside the concept that actually worked BUT out of respect to Matlwa, a sense of solidarity and because I know getting this published can't have been easy - I'll keep it at 2.