A review by jenbsbooks
The Book Swap by Tessa Bickers


The last book that featured a Little Free Library (:Lula Dean's Little Library of Banned Books) was just ehh for me, and so I approached this one with some trepidation.  I was pleasantly surprised. I went with the audio edition (British accents) but had the Kindle copy on hand for reference. The Table of Contents in the audio was superior to the Kindle edition, as it showed the POV, which switched between Erin and James. The blurb alludes to their "shared history" and I'm afraid my brain wasn't paying close enough attention, because it took me longer than it should have to pick up on that connection ... duh moment for me. 

Both POVs are 1st person/present tense. Two different narrators(dual) for the two voices. I also (some brain fog/not 100% mentally) got a bit confused at Bonnie being there in Erin's room, and talking to her ... when she died three years ago. Not a ghost or anything, just Erin's mind working that way. There WERE some shifts to the past

Heavily annotated books ... I do have a few of my own from back in my school days. Now, Kindle notes are digital and saved in the cloud, not directly to the pages of the book. Generally, I think most people dislike finding writing in a book, although some appreciate insights from others. As a LFL steward, shopping thrift sales, I'll usually pass, as I think it's seen as a negative by the majority of people. I would definitely have to be in a mood to appreciate it. 

I liked the mentions of the books (although I haven't been big into classics to have read many of them myself) and some of the thoughts on the books, the exchanges, the things that happened.

ProFanity x64 and some sex.