A review by imrehg
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro


This book makes me speechless in a way. Its first person narrative is so well thought out, so well done, that it feels completely real. All the little things that each of us cares about in our lives but might be irrelevant to others, or maybe not even make any sense. All the things that we gradually come to know as we grow up, the different experiences people go through to become who they are at any given point in time - also make me think what are _my_ most important memories that would make sense of me one day? And also makes me think of who do I treat so badly without realizing, who do I distance myself from even if I knew them they were be very much like me?

Somehow in it's atmosphere, it's attitude towards what love and caring is, in its outlook on life this book reminded me of [b:Norwegian Wood|11297|Norwegian Wood|Haruki Murakami|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1280183593s/11297.jpg|2956680]. And the same way after I finished that, now I just have to take a long walk, somewhere sunny, by myself...