A review by hollymmcg
This Is How You Lose the Time War by Max Gladstone, Amal El-Mohtar


Such a beautiful adventure of a book. Thanks to Levar Burton Reads (go listen to that podcast right now), I know that Amal El-Mohtar is a poet, and that is evident in the style of writing in this book. It flirted with poetry the entire time, which gave the novel a wonderful flow and lilt as I read.

Reaching the ending and seeing how pieces of the ending had been woven in to the book from the start was incredibly satisfying and very brilliantly done by the authors.

I wished for just a bit more of a tied up ending. Just a bit. Just the tiniest bit. I am a sucker for a solid resolution and this book doesn't entirely deliver. That said - I don't think a solid resolution would feel right for this book, either.

4/5, I very much enjoyed this and will read again.