A review by dana_reads_travels
House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas


This was fabulous. I also see mixed reviews. 

Those who want more smut-- I do not-- will be thoroughly disappointed. To me, Throne of Glass had some romance/smut, while ACOTAR had a lot. This series is more towards ToG in that regards, which makes me happy. 

I am here for the world building and depth of the plot line. I think the fact that she can create THREE series that have well developed worlds, and then even drop a crossover in is pretty darn impressive. Most of the storylines interested me. Ithan's not so much. I find Ithan to be quite the matyr. 

Jesiba's role in this book was fabulous. Seeing her character more and getting her backstory was really enjoyable for me. Honestly, seeing MANY of these characters receive more spotlight for their stories honestly made this book that much more enjoyable.

I was worried about the crossover and how much it would take over. If you have not read book 2 this many years later, sorry to spoil that but the book 2 has been out long enough. 

My biggest annoyance, like with the big battle in Game of Thrones, is that more people should have died. I find in all her series, Maas does not kill people off and that's where it is a bit too clean and neat for me. 

Ready for book 4, which I assume will be titled the only house we have not had yet. 

I was worried about the crossover when we spent time with Az and Nesta at the beginning. I am happy we did not have them all book as their characters made it clear they would not be helping the battle. 

I loved how Bryce left her parents with the Night Court and how that conversation went when Bryce picked them up. Now that Rhys has the sword, dagger, and mask what will ACOTAR 5 be like? I loathed ACOTAR 4 and how CC3 ended actually makes me excited for ACOTAR 5.