A review by caoilo
Beyond Belief: Abused by his priest. Betrayed by his church. The story of the boy who sued the Pope. by Colm O'Gorman


This was so difficult to read but I couldn't stop. I wanted to know what happened after every page. I really felt for Colm and even understood some of his reactions. Colm over came so much at a time when the Church ruled Ireland.

The only thing I disagreed with Colm on is Victim silence. No one should be pressured into coming forward, that has to be their choice and should not be taken away from them. There are lots of reasons why a victim may not come forward and that is their right. No matter what their attacker does it is NEVER the victims fault, even if they do chose to stay silent.

As someone who came forward and made a report in 2017 (not related to the church). I got no justice, my case never even went to court. Of the cases that are reported only 1-2% get a conviction. That is an awful long shot. I had nothing to lose by reporting, not everyone is so ....I hate to use the word but lucky. This book proves that coming forward does not automatically mean justice.

I think the thing I found most shocking was Colm's words of understanding and commiseration to his attacker. I don't think I will ever be so kind.