A review by athena21
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell


I've got a lot of thoughts about Fangirl, so buckle in. While reading the book I made over 80 notes because every 5 pages Rowell wrote something else new and horrible that I felt the need to comment on. In quick summary, I hated all of the characters but Reagan, there wasn't any plot, and the writing is terrible. Carry On is way better because a) none of the characters from this book are in it and b) you can forget that Rowell's writing sucks because there are dragons and vampires.

The rest of the review will contain spoilers:
Here's what I liked:
- Fun names! Cather and Wren is stupid as all hell but I laughed when she explained it, Reagan was the worst president but makes a good first name, and I hated Jandro until I realised it's short for Alejandro and I think that's kind of fun
- I laughed like twice, so I guess that's good
- Rowell is the only writer I've ever known to use 'eyeteeth' instead of canines and I think that's fun
- Despite how much I hated it I finished it anyway so there's got to be something magical going on, although I genuinely couldn't tell you what it is

And here's the rants:
1. Why does Harry Potter exist in this universe???? I'm still so weirded out by this because it's a massive plot hole. No way would Gemma T Leslie be able to publish what is obviously Harry Potter fanfiction just 2 years after the first Harry Potter book came out. Why would Rowell put in all of the work to make a parody version of Harry Potter so she can talk a lot about it in this book and then STILL put Harry Potter in it. Stupid
2. When both Nick and Levi were introduced, I thought there would be a love triangle, and I was also convinced that Cath would end up with Nick. That's because a) she actually describes him in an attractive way (more on this later) and because b) they actually have chemistry and things in common. Imagine my rage when Nick is a douche and also written out of the book 35% in to only turn up in the last 5 pages again. I don't even get why he was there in the first place? I guess he's supposed to be part of Cath's arc or whatever but she doesn't really learn anything from him that she doesn't also get told by every other character in the book and it's just really weird to make him a major character and then write him out
3. Speaking of which, there isn't any plot. I didn't feel like any of the characters went anywhere. Yes, Cath makes up with her sister and gets a boyfriend but that isn't actual development. She's still the exact same person who writes fanfiction and talks like a child and is painfully anxious. There just wasn't any point to the book. The main plot seems to be this thing with her writing her own work, but a) if she really doesn't want to, she should just drop off the course. people can write as a hobby that is allowed! and b) she just spends the whole book complaining about having to write it, then writes it in the last 10 pages but entirely off page, and then wins and prize because she's perfect.
4. Continuing that point, Cath is a total Mary Sue. She gets into a junior-level writing class as a freshman because she's so perfect at writing (despite, apparently, hating to write her own material), has 20,000 readers on fanfiction.net.clone and Levi and Reagan both love her despite the fact that she is basically just horrible to them for the whole beginning of the novel.
5. At the beginning of Chapter 5 I wrote, 'If this girl doesn't end up diagnosed with anxiety I will riot.' Guess I need to riot then. I have a problem with the fact that Fangirl seems to make mental illness and important part of the novel, but doesn't seem to know what to do with it. Her father has bipolar disorder, which I don't know much about, but I do know that it's not great for her to call him 'crazy' a bunch. Also, when her Dad suggests that Wren talk to a counselor, it's made out like a bad thing and Cath stops him from making her do it. He, of all people, should know that that's helpful?? Why would you bother to talk about an important topic but then basically say there's no cure and you shouldn't talk to someone who could help you?? Also, Cath clearly has social anxiety and possible generalised anxiety too, but this is mostly treated as a character flaw rather than anything else. No, it isn't 'quirky' to be so scared of going to the dining hall that you only eat protein bars for a month. It's a problem, and she should have sought help. Instead, that aspect of her personality just sort of gets phased out through the book so that Rowell doesn't have to deal with it. Rather than being good representation of a character with anxiety it is actively detrimental!
'I'm scared of everything. And I'm crazy. Like maybe you think I'm a little crazy, but I only let people see the tip of my crazy iceberg.' Please stop Rainbow Rowell
6. This is a book about writing but Rainbow Rowell is not a good writer. In one three-page scene she uses rabbit and hare interchangeably. It takes 30 second to Google and work out that that's stupid. There are sections of Cath's writing throughout the book but, unfortunately, they are also written by Rainbow Rowell so they suck so I can't believe that Cath is a good writer. (How's 'out-sticking breasts' as a brilliant example of writing) Maybe her plotting is truly brilliant but I've read a lot of much better written fanfiction than this and I just can't believe she'd get that many readers and then win a prize
7. She describes Levi in the absolute weirdest way. To begin with, she keeps describing his mouth as 'doll-like'. Weird. Here's more - 'needy pink mouth'. 'little pink mouth'
In addition, as I said he is described very unattractively. 'His ten thousand smiles. And his forty-acre forehead'. Yeah, wow, I can see why she likes him great chemistry. This is first-person! This is her perspective of him! Another one - 'over-abundant forehead', 'his blue eyes were taking over his whole long face', 'Levi was thin and weedy'. At least she likes his eyebrows - she even says that they're 'pornographic' and mentions 'eyebrow-driven sex' so I guess good for her??
8. Cath and Levi have a 2-and-a-half year age gap, but unfortunately it feels like about 10 years which makes it very uncomfortable. Cath acts massively young and inexperienced, even referring to relationships as 'boy-girl stuff'. She seems uncomfortable with the topic of sex and doesn't even want to kiss him for the majority of the book. That's fine, but not ideal if you're, like, in a relationship with someone and it ends up feeling super weird when she does actually kiss him etc. later. When they (I assume?) have sex she tells him she wants to 'do stuff'. If you can't say sex don't have sex. In addition, Levi feels really old, and is much more mature. He has his own house, a truck, a job and also (somewhat comically) is balding. When Cath tells him that he feels much older, he says to not worry because 'you're legal'. That's creepy.
9. For a book that claims to be about and represent fan culture, it does a poor job. This is mostly based on other people's reviews honestly because I don't play a massive part in a lot of fan culture, but she just doesn't do well to give a realistic portrayal. Cath never interacts with any of her many online friends that she claims to have, and doesn't view her readers as part of a community with her, but as her own fans. She spends the whole book talking about how weird she is for being a 'creepy shut-in' and writing fanfiction. Also, it would be fun to mention some kind of fanfiction that isn't slash?
10. This brings me on to my last point. I think Fangirl has problems with fetishization of gay characters and relationships. She spends the whole book writing about gay characters, but there is not a single actual gay person in this book. When they have (again I assume?) sex, Levi gets her to read her gay fanfiction to him. This is basically a book about someone who is an obsessive Drarry fan. Please stop. And, here's the kicker - she says, 'I feel weird reading this mushy gay stuff out loud - your roommates are here. Is one of them gay?' Hmm Cath, if you feel weird reading your gay fanfiction where a gay person might here it, maybe you need to reconsider what you've written.