A review by cathiedalziel
The Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha


It's taken me over 3 years to read this. I could have marked it read in the first day or two but that wouldn't have been truthful. I skimmed over it and shook my head "yes" in many places in those first couple of days, but I didn't read it and the mini essays that accompany each awesome thing listed.

This book is a nice nudge to help you remember that the little things that we do or that happen in our daily lives are the way we view life as being great. Try reading it and not shake your head at least once with a "Yeah, I like that" smile on your brain.

I enjoyed it when I remembered to pick it up but I would put it back down after a few pages and forget to pick it up again until it was in my line of vision again. It's the type of book that sits in your home that you go to when you're looking for a quick moment of feeling good.

It's a great go to book if you need some reminders that life doesn't always hurt or you need to remember the things that make you smile. In our political climate of the times, it's a good book to keep handy to remember the little things that relieve stress, the "instant fun" moments of life.

I rated it 3 stars because it isn't a regular sit down and read type book. For a book of lists, done in short essay style, it is very good.