A review by zare_i
Cold War Navy Seal: My Story of Che Guevara, War in the Congo, and the Communist Threat in Africa by James M. Hawes, Mary Ann Koenig


Excellent account of US paramilitary actions in Congo in the 1960's. Author was commander on ground of off-books mercenary riverine fleet operating Swift assault boats at the Lake Tanganyika. Personnel was taken from all over - from Cuban exiles fighting against Castro to mercenaries from Michael "Mad Mike" Hoare's 5 Commando troops. Together they faced Simba's and their backers from the Eastern Block.

Author is pretty straight-forward and shows things as they are - from organization, support, inter-personnel relations and conflicts to unbelievable amateurism no-one could expect from people involved in an endeavor like this.

Although faced with great obstacles, this small but highly effective riverine fleet managed to achieve all their goals and then some. Unfortunately when things were passed to local Congolese government everything went tits-up in a very short time period.

Highly recommended to all military and history fans.