A review by kamikazegirls
Tread of Angels by Rebecca Roanhorse


solid 3, a fun thing to listen to at work and super quick! thought it took too damn long to tell us wht we (being me) already knew! i feel like it wouldve been much more of a good time if there were other leads but this was fine too. honestly wished it was longer and tho celeste is a lost cause i really really admire her dedication to her sister bc...yeah ! u'll get it if u have a sibling u love. abraxas was sexy but i wanted to see him a bit more like.. as a an actual chess piece in this game as opposed to wht was goin on in and he did become tht more obviously towards the end but like i said, not long enough for me to feel it rlly come to life. id rec it if uve got nothing to do and need a nice break from longer books! its interesting and i liked it :) tht being said...i think im a shooter for celeste sorry ik shes mad but i get it i rlly do