A review by skyzinnia
Watch Wolf by Kathryn Lasky



The beginning of chapter four was about how Edme didn't want to and wasn't going to go back to the clan. Then she is just there by the middle of it?

I wish the repetition would stop already. "Gywnneth, the Masked Owl." Yes. I have seen that every page that her name has been spoken every time. I know what she is by this point. Same thing with what Faolan means. Please stop. Furthermore, the wolves all shove their ears forward. It's not necessarily bad, but it's the verb used every single time for every single set of ears.

The wolves get drunk?

I wasn't expecting a real curse word. The animal ones are no big deal, but this is a kids' book. There's no place for that here.

It's strange that Faolan suddenly feels everything in his marrow. The old language, his mother, etc. How he just magically knew the old language because of his marrow. It's way overused, too.

I really liked the arc with the McNamara clan and Morag at the end. That felt well done and beautiful. I'm sad about Arthur, though. He basically got introduced out of convenience.

Lots of plot points didn't really add up, but the story overall wasn't bad, and I liked the characters introduced. Like others, though, I don't think the back blurb matched what actually happened at all.