A review by al_exposition
Fall for Him by Andie Burke

Did not finish book.


my first dnf, what an honor.

list of things that caused me to dnf at~50%
1.THE COPAGANDA oh my god i forgot about this scene until i looked at my notes. because WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE KAREN NEIGHBOR DRAMA GETS RESOLVED BECAUSE THE MALE COP IS DATING A GUY???? i genuinely- it's 2024. why the hell are we including copaganda in books. especially books centered around marginalized communities that have been historically harassed and brutalized by police officers. and genuinely, if anyone disagrees, talk to a wall idc.

2. their names were dylan and derek. why in the world would you name your two main characters with the letter D anD have both of them use he/him pronouns. it especially sucked during dialogue scenes because i could never tell who was speaking. they spoke the same and all the dialogue either didn't have a dialogue tag, or ended in some form of "he said."

3. third person pov isn't necessarily a bad thing, but paired with the first point, it makes it hard to keep up with who's thoughts we're getting a glimpse of. there are ways to do 3rd person omniscient well, but this was not it.

4. they both randomly get mad or start a fight with each other over very simple misunderstandings. and i'd get it if they were in their early 20s or something,,, but these are grown men. you're telling me that at your historic age you can't have conversations about your triggers?

5. page 190.
Spoilerbecause why was there a spicy scene on page 189, and then 190 literally starts with "my dad died when i was sixtenn." -.-
like genuinely what i am i supposed to do with that other than want to have a stern talk with the editors.

6. there are so many side characters that get introduced just to be introduced and never come back again. what makes it worse is that they aren't actually introduced - they just show up and spawn and then leave.

tldr: what the hell