A review by cornerofmadness
07-Ghost, Volume 04 by Yuki Amemiya


I had to reread volumes 1-3 because this was one of the victims of the publisher collapse a few years back. I didn't even realize someone else had picked it up. It had been a handful of years since I last read it. In recap, Teito runs from the imperial army, losing his best friend Mikage (now reborn as a little dragony thing), in the process. Teito hasn't many memories of the past and is the vessel for something known as the eye of Mikhal which could save or destroy the world. He wants revenge on Ayanami for killing Mikage and three bishops, Frau, Castor and Labrador are helping him (the three house three of the 7 ghosts, gods, while Ayanami seems to house the villain of the piece).

This one revolves around the church where Teito and his new partner Haruken (new friend, close friend, very quickly. He's also from the Oak family which is all in politics and the military, very important and he's more or less disowned because he wants to join the church to fight the kor, sort of demons that possess and destroy people). Teito and Haruken are up for their bishop exams (which would allow Teito free, unchallenge travel so he can track his nemesis)

In the middle of this, Ayanami's crew attack and things go sideways for Teito and he suffers an important loss. He still has to move forward in spite of it.

I do like this manga but it is very convoluted sometimes too much so. I've had to reread a few spots to figure out what is going on. On the whole, I like the art but sometimes Teito's hair is left uncolored and that adds to the confusion.