A review by sundaysunshine
Conversations with People Who Hate Me by Dylan Marron

challenging funny informative inspiring lighthearted reflective relaxing medium-paced


Listened to this as an audiobook on Spotify and loved the narration by Dylan Marron (who I did not put together was 2010s pop culture royalty by way of voicing Carlos in Welcome to Night Vale). Easy to listen to/read chapter formatting, each one is based of a lesson he learnt through his social experiment.

I have to admit my Gen Z nature initially found the introduction a bit cheugy with its commentary on 2010s social media discourse. As someone who grew up with social media and the internet its easy to roll your eyes at people complaining about how the internet has ruined social communication or the dystopian disconnect it fosters in such doomsday tones.

But continuing on as Marron's points began to mature and develop with thoughtful anectdotes and statistics i began to understand where he was coming from.

This book is an ode to conversation and specifically the type of revolutionary discourse that has been  birthed, spread, commodified, and demeaned in today's internet central society. His social experiment calls to a return or rather an acceptance into our lives healthy understanding and communication of political and social ideas. Not in a passive or domineering way but with a firmness in both advocating for equality and respect for all.

Great listen absolutely would recommend.