A review by stormlightreader
Strangeways: A Prison Officer's Story by Neil Samworth


This profession is something I read about and watch documentaries on with absolute fascination because of my interest in true crime and I can't be alone in that. But this book, hit so much closer to home than I expected. 

The majority of the book is exactly what I expected but was more interesting because of it being based on the UK prison system. But it's the closing chapters that pushed this from a 4.5* to a 5*. Samworth discusses the impact of this profession on himself and his partner. The detail of how his partner felt watching his job change who he fundamentally was and the relief she felt when he got a sick note was so hard-hitting. He includes a little excerpt of how she felt while he worked there and it felt a little too real.

The narration was great too. It's so British, using common phrases like "complete ballache" and "ragged around" 🤣 I loved it!