A review by cricci
Death Spiral by Owen F. Witesman, Leena Lehtolainen


Yet another great read by Leena Lehtolainen. I'm loving this series more and more. Lehtolainen (or maybe the translator, Owen Witesman) matures as a writer throughout the series, and as a result, her characters appear to have more depth, compassion, and interest.

I truly enjoy these novels because they are a fun suspenseful read. They aren't too gory, the plot isn't too heavy, and the "whodunit" keeps me guessing the whole story long. I would say this is a light read, but not quite "cozy mystery" light. I enjoy it as a good break between heavier novels.

One of the main reasons I love this series is the main character, Maria Kallio. She is fantastic. I love how she grapples with being a woman in a male-dominated career, deals with people (even sometimes getting a little too heated or ahead of herself), and balances her family life with her work life. I can relate a lot to her, her relationships with other (my spouse and I are also both very passionate about our work), and her feelings towards motherhood.

It is perhaps that last point about Maria's feeling towards motherhood that made me feel the epilogue is the most beautifully written part of the novel.
Lehtolainen writes a fantastic description of Kallio giving birth to her daughter. I absolutely loved it as I balled my eyes out. To me, it perfectly describes the primal act of giving birth in the most beautiful way possible. It's not easy; it's painful. It's not all rainbows and butterflies; there's vomit, fecal matter, blood, and vernix. Yet, it's a wonderful part of nature that does not seem to get the raw beauty it deserves.

Throughout the series, I think Maria's reflections on her relationships, and now her newfound motherhood as a pregnant and soon-to-be mother, are more mature. She reflects more and does see how her actions could affect other people. It is likely because I relate so much to the main character that I enjoy the books, but I also think the plot is interesting. Lehtolainen keeps me guessing throughout the novel no matter the story line. I waiver between characters as much as Maria does, even as I try to outsmart her.

I enjoy the series. I think they're fun. Therefore, I would recommend this series to someone looking to read a light whodunit.