A review by cyee44
The Diary of Jack the Ripper: The Discovery, the Investigation, the Authentication, the Debate by Shirley Harrison


Interesting read about the finding of a diary that appears to be of James Maybrick, who may be Jack the Ripper. Harrison goes into many details about trying to find the truth of whether the diary is authentic and how it came to be where it was found. It also goes into details of Florie Maybrick's trial for the death of James, who appears to have been a long time addict.

Most of the time Harrison manages to do a decent job of presenting all sides, though it is clear she believes the book is the diary of Jack the Ripper. She discusses the many questions still left to be answered.

The main problem I had was occasional assertions that either she didn't state evidence for, or her support was stated earlier but was not strong enough for me to remember. The item that sticks out most in my mind is the assertion that one of James' brothers was in love with Florie; an assertion was made as if it was already established in the book, and I didn't recall hearing anything about it earlier. Later there was a reference to missing letters from the brother to Florie but didn't explain why anyone believes the letters existed.