A review by amandaalexandre
How Google Works by Jonathan Rosenberg, Eric Schmidt


Reading books written by Google execs is always fun because they always keep it funny and spirited. It is far away from being a dull reading. And their language doesn't reek of biz blablabla. (On the contrary, it seems they have an allergy to business blablabla as well.)

It seems like Google really adopts an anti-hierarchy, pro-data culture. They really seem to worry about keeping things meritocratic, even though they fail at it sometimes. I found particularly humbling how they are frank about their past mistakes (they could have Instagram created indoors, but declined Kevin Systrom, its founder, the opportunity to enter a product management program). I'm glad that a company like Google is willing to share their lessons.

I read it on the beach. Further analysis in a future Medium post.