A review by booksuzi54
Find Me in Havana by Serena Burdick


Find Me in Havana by Serena Burdick
Narrated by Marisol Ramirez; Frankie Corzo
Harper Audio Harlequin Audio

This historical fiction book is based on the true story of Cuban-born actress, Estelita Rodriguez and her family. The story is heartbreaking and sometimes raw. Estelita's once wealthy parents lose almost everything due to political unrest in 1930's Cuba. Her mother leaves her husband and children in Cuba at the start of Batista's tenure, taking Estelita to New York to make a record. Thus begins the tragic saga of Estelita, her mother, and Nina, her daughter. It is difficult to watch the poor choices, hard choices and the need to be loved .

I loved the audio version of this book! It brought the characters to life and made me feel as if I were in the middle of it. It was beautifully done.
#findmeinhavana#NetGalley #Harperaudio
Thank you to #NetGalley and Harper Audio for the Advanced Audio Copy.I always review books that I enjoy so that others can enjoy them, too.