A review by sarahbelle
Between You and Me by Lisa Hall


Where do I start? This book is mostly about verbal, emotional, and physical abuse from a husband (Charlie) to his Wife (Sal). Each chapter is written back and forth between their perspectives. It was OK. Sal I found to be extremely annoying and stupid. It was hard to enjoy. Then I got almost to the end (and I am unsure if it’s my copy as no one else has mentioned this) but the last 3 chapters were completely screwed up. He and she and the perspectives were mixed together (obviously on accident) The author was writing the chapter is Charlie’s view but was saying he was a she and Sal was a he and it was just a mess. Literally had it fine the entire book and then it was like she got drunk writing the last 3 chapters and didn’t realize she was mixing the characters sexes from their standpoint it was ass backwards. Literally backwards. For me it ruined the book.