A review by readingthestars
Blood Sisters by Vanessa Lillie


3.5/5 stars.

Read this for my book club - and the author herself came to speak about the process and research she put into it! It definitely shows, because this book is dripping with knowledge and details that you'd only know if you either lived somewhere or spoke to people who did. While much of this book takes place in Oklahoma, not RI, I did love the RI details: the boat in the airport and how absolutely terrible our roads are.

This book held my interest the whole way through, and I wanted to know what HAPPENED! However, I did find the pacing to be a bit off for me. The first few chapters absolutely drew me in and intrigued me, and then Syd did some investigating...which went on until the last 30-40 or so pages, when everything really went down. It felt as though some of the meat of the plot was left until the end - ad I did like how it ended, but I would have liked some of that suspense throughout the middle as well. Syd is also a very impulsive and irrational at times, which led to me yelling at her in my head to just slow down and ask people for help.

A lot of care and thought was put into this story, and it definitely comes across as a reader. I'll be interested in seeing how these characters develop.