A review by spicybookstacks
Shadows of Light: A Queen of Light Novella by Amber Thoma


Every villain has an origin story, and this is one you don’t want to miss.

You’ve hated her (or hated to love her) since Prince of Darkness, but will you still hate her after this?

It is heartbreaking, devastating, and gives you a glimpse into why Tati is the way she is. How she became a hardened shell of a queen, capable of the evil acts she commits in the name of obtaining more power.

This story truly takes you through her youngling thought process of choosing the wrong path, the path to evil and destruction.

Fate gets what fate wants, but does fate get it wrong sometimes?

This novella was so well written. I read it in one sitting and it made me tear up more than once. I don’t like what Tati has done to Anin, but it’s hard to hate her like I did before.

It also gives you a glimpse into Ciaran’s mother, and what she went through to try and survive the cruel night court. Her story was also heartbreaking and eye opening!

Basically, prepare for emotional whiplash