A review by devannm
Seven Blades in Black by Sam Sykes


I received an ARC copy of this book from NetGalley.

Whatever else they say, they'll say Sal the Cacophony did the right thing. Now and again, at least.

Those of you who have been following my reviews for awhile will realize what an absolute anomaly it is for me to read a high fantasy book that comes in at around 700 pages at all, much less to give it five stars. Usually I find myself nodding off when a book hits 400 pages, but even though it definitely took me awhile to read this I never once found myself getting the least bit bored.

If you're like me and you love the idea of high fantasy books, but often find them to be either very dry or just completely lacking in interesting female characters then this book is definitely a breath of fresh air. Sal is the kind of loud-mouthed morally ambiguous protagonist that you almost never get to see in a female character, and she's bisexual to boot! If there's anything I love more than tough but lovable queer lady magic users then I can't think of it at this moment. Maybe if she was also a pirate? Oh well, we can't have literally everything. ;)

The story and the world-building is also very interesting. I like the many different types of magic that we saw in this first installment and also the different creatures that Sal fought as well. The one thing I wish we had learned a bit more about was the Cacophony itself, but from the last chapter here I'm guessing that is something that will be explored in the second book. Definitely a very unique world overall. Can't wait to read the second book!