A review by graciegrace1178
The Star by H.G. Wells


"'You may kill me... but I can hold you -- and all the universe for that matter-- in the grip of this little brain. I would not change even now.'"

"Common sense was sturdy everywhere, scornful, jesting, a little inclined to persecute the obdurate fearful... common sense at least, a little heated by argument, signified its unalterable convictions by going to bed. So, too, barbarism and savagery, already tired of the novelty, went about their nightly business: and save for a howling dog here and there the beast-world left the star unheeded. And yet, when at last the watchers in the European states saw their star rise, an hour later, it is true, but no larger than it had been the night before, there were still plenty awake to laugh at the master mathematician--to take the danger as if it had passed." MMMMM CLIMATE CHANGE INNIT

"Which only shows how small the vastest of human catastrophe may seem at a distance of a few million miles." WOW. WOWOOWOWOWOWOW.