A review by shainapoulin
Dune Messiah by Frank Herbert


Really did not enjoy this much at all. A significant step down in storytelling and world building from the original. I have so many complaints:

- Where was Lady Jessica? Her POV was my favorite in the original and her absence in this book cannot go unnoticed
- Gurney Halleck is also just not in the story at all
- I did not care for Duncan Idaho’s character in the first book and he has way too much focus in this story. He’s basically the main character. His whole relationship with Alia was so contrived and difficult to take seriously.
- Alia is such a bizarre character. Really did not find her likable but maybe that’s the point?
- Speaking of Alia, there’s a whole passage where Paul checks out his little sister?? Because he goes into her room where she just happens to be throwing knives naked?? Like what?
- For someone who is supposed to be all-knowing, Paul isn’t very good at preventing bad things from happening
- Paul also compares himself to Hitler and basically says his genocide is better?? I could not believe that when I read it. I almost put the book down entirely. I understand Herbert’s point but that was so over the top and honestly just gross

Curious to see how they’ll adapt this into a third movie though! There’s a lot of material they can work with but I’m hoping Villeneuve will take some creative liberties because this book was not it!

2.5/5 ☆