A review by melcanread
Lore of the Wilds by Analeigh Sbrana


This was Sbrana's debut novel, and I do think that you can tell, but let's talk about the good things first.

There was such a deep political sub plot that I adored that emulated the systemic oppression of black people by the white ruling classes that, in a world where 99% of characters were black, manifested as fa  vs. humans. I thought Sbrana did such a fantastic job. Getting that into her book and having it fit so well. With the overall plot, a feat that is impressive. Even authors who have been writing for decades can't pull it off. There was also so much emphasis on blackness and black culture.

I also thoroughly enjoyed the relationships Lore had with the other humans and how much love they had for one another. Given the political climate of this book, it's hardly surprising, but it's still wonderful to see.

The plot overall was also wonderful and very promising. However, there were a few places where the novel lacked for me.

Everything seemed so conveniently placed and Lore was able to overcome everything so quickly. Nothing was a true challenge. It became a stereotypical romantasy novel in that she so easily became proficient in magic and knife skills in such a short amount of time. It was a fun read, but despite it being an adult novel, it very much felt like a YA and I can't help but feel like Sbrana was let down by her editors.  The story had so much potential and only a part of it got unlocked.

Lore herself wasn't particularly strong, in fact, she was headstrong and annoying with it. She consistently ignored the wants and wishes of her more experienced allies and did what she wanted to do, despite the fact that she kept putting herself and others in grave danger. It also didn't feel right just how quickly she bonded with the fae. And how Isla and Finndryl and their family risked it all and became ride or die for her as fast as they did.

For a romantasy novel, I feel like it lacked in both categories. There certainly was not enough genuine romance, and the fantasy elements felt rushed and half-assed.

I will definitely buy and read the sequel, because I did really enjoy the book, and I would love to know how the story ends. And I will be keeping up with Sbrana because I know that her future novels will be impeccable. She truly has the ability to become a favourite author of mine but this series won't be the reason for it.