A review by nikkihrose
Heart Bones by Colleen Hoover


Heart Bones was one I wasn’t sure what to think before starting it. For some reason, I had a different vibe from it than others – possibly because I couldn’t figure out what the title truly meant in regards to the story it might carry.

But then I read it. And what I read was both heartbreaking, inspiring, and enlightening.

This country treats wealth as though it’s the norm. As though being rich and having everything at your fingertips is the expected lifestyle. So when you don’t have that – in fact when you have so much less than that, you feel as though you have to pretend. As though you don’t fit in. As though you’re not good enough to live life because you haven’t been given everything life has to offer.

This book also shows readers how people assume the worst of people put in harsh situations. We don’t naturally give people multiple chances, hear them out, or give them the benefit of the doubt. But we should.

Colleen Hoover, thank you for this book. Thank you for calling light to life in poverty. Thank you for giving readers a wake up call in the form of a riveting read that managed to surprise me despite all of the clues being right in front of my face. Just, thank you.

If you haven’t read this one yet, please do. If you haven’t jumped on the CoHo train, please do.