A review by thedailydiva
The Weight of Blood by Tiffany D. Jackson


Ok, I had my doubts at the start of this book. But that had mostly to do with my doubts that anyone could take a classic Steven King and improve upon it. Because why would anyone attempt a retelling if they didn’t have anything to add. But Ms. Jackson absolutely had something to add. Now, I must admit, I still want young readers to read Carrie, but they’d also come away with quite a fable if they read this retelling.

With the addition of race and classism further explored to the established bullying of Carrie, Ms. Jackson explores horror through the eyes of the disenfranchised. Adding in elements of race, passing, settling and the very current history of protest and police brutality, Ms. Jackson makes her retelling relevant, educational, and current.

Though I am not the ‘target audience’ I sat amazed as I raced from climax to resolution knowing the outcome and dreading unanswered questions. Jackson is really good at leading the reader and slowly unfolding tidbits of ‘omg’ info.

I loved the ending. As I was barreling toward it I was hoping she didn’t spoon feed us everything, and she didn’t and it was so deliciously unsatisfying, it felt like the perfect ending to this horrific tale. This story continues on in my mind as I’m left to deduce or decide its true resolution.

Ok, Ms. Jackson. This is book two of yours I’ve really enjoyed. I’m a fan. Hook, line, and sinker. I trust you. Damn. Lead on, Lady. Highly recommend!