A review by anastasia_sherman
Our Wives Under The Sea by Julia Armfield

dark emotional mysterious sad fast-paced


'The deep sea is a haunted house: a place in which things that ought not to exist move about in the darkness'

The novel opens with that line, and that very instance, you're drawn in, sinking into every page, alternating between two POVs: Leah and Miri.

The novel is divided into chapters, each chapter representing the layers of the ocean; from the uppermost layer, to the deepest layer:
Sunlight Zone
Twilight Zone
Midnight Zone
Abyssal Zone
Hadal Zone

And as each chapter sinks in deeper down the layers, the foreboding feeling gets stronger, the atmosphere gets more sinister and the grief gets more intense.

If you expect this novel to be full on horror, you'll be disappointed, because this novel lies more on the unsettling and uncanny vibes, the raw heartache of slowly losing the person you loved most because they are changed, and the grief that comes with it.

'Grief is selfish: we cry for ourselves without the person we have lost far more than we cry for the person'

The chapters alternate between Leah's POV and Miri's POV, each balancing the other other with enough horror and sorrow, that you as a reader, like the ebb and flow of the tides, you sway from uncanny to agonising, back and forth.

Leah's POVs is haunting, uncanny and errie,
'To know the ocean, I have always felt, is to recognize the teeth it keeps half hidden'

while Miri's POV is just heartbreaking and sad.
'I want to explain her in a way that would make you love her, but the problem with this is that loving is something we all do alone and through different sets of eyes'

All I can say is this is hauntingly beautiful, but devastating and heartbreaking at the same time.

'I used to think there was such a thing as emptiness, that there were places in the world one could go and be alone. This, I still think is still true, but the error in my reasoning was to assume that alone was somewhere you could go, rather than somewhere you had to be left'