A review by aemryreads
Golden Son by Pierce Brown


Oh my god.

This was everything I could have wanted in a book. The prose is well-written. The characters show development continuously. There is fun. There are jokes. There are stakes. There is tension. The plot hooks you and drags you for four hundred pages, then leaves you with its hook still in your mouth, and you think to yourself, "That was pain and I know that next time it will probably be so much worse, but I know what I'm getting myself into and damn it, if the next hook doesn't land in my mouth as soon as possible, I will go on living a shallow life, knowing that it would only be one more rush of pages that would change my life."

I feel I have learned. This book and the one before are proof that learning does not only stem from nonfiction. There are life lessons within this fictional world on paper. There are mistakes to learn from. Morals to guide us. Ideas that mirror our very world that is not ink on a page.

There are twists and turns and unexpected plot points, and simultaneously, there are plot points that are to be expected, that we hope and pray we are wrong about. The writing is smart. Reveals are earned and stick the landing.

What to say other than this book is golden. Teehee.

I can't wait to spend twenty bucks on the next one.