A review by discoveringdee
KHARMA by Shon

  • Loveable characters? Yes


This novelette was entirely way too short I NEED MOREEEEEEEE πŸ˜£πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜€πŸ™ why is it that the shortest stories are always the sweetest to enjoy 😫😭😭 wish we got to see them more in their partnering relationship & wish they actually finished that bathroom conversation bc why you booking secret appointments Kharma πŸ€­πŸ‘€ lol I truly enjoyed their chemistry and how Dakota is a softy for Kharma but also knew when to call her out on her BS. I also loved how Kharma did not play about her man bc why did he think it was acceptable to say that in their home????? People are never short of audacity smh. 

But the Knight-Valentine’s were just absolutely wonderful πŸ’œ 

Hopefully we get stories on the brothers & Dakota’s sister.