A review by kayathebookworm
Rock Paper Scissors by Alice Feeney


I’m not totally sure how I feel about this book myself so I’m structuring this review a bit differently: what I liked first then what I didn’t.

What I liked:
- the author’s writing was very fluid
- some of the sentences were profound in a way that made you really think
… wow, I didn’t realize that was all

What I didn’t like:
- I didn’t really care for or connect to any of the characters (if anything, I disliked them)
- there are SO MANY questions that I still have about things that weren’t really explained or resolved in the book
- the plot twist didn’t really take me by a huge surprise

I don’t know, maybe it’s just me but something felt “off” about this book. I just can’t quite figure out what it is. What I can tell you, though, is that when I look back on reading this — rather than the happy and excited feeling I usually have when I read books I enjoy — I feel nothing. If someone came up to me and asked me how I feel about this book, I would simply say, “eh.” I think a lot of people would love it but it just wasn’t for me. 3 stars.

Language: 1.5/5, mild and rare
Spice: 1.5/5: only a few mentions of it, nothing descriptive

(Also, a note for fellow swifties: much of this book reminded me of “mad woman” from folklore.)