A review by teslacoil6353
Isaia by Bella J.


Decent steamy book! The fingering scene in the car?! The scene where she woke up to him in her bed?! Damn bella j! So good. 
I was looking forward to Isaia's story because of the growth we saw in his character throughout the other books. But I feel like we got a different Isaia than previous books. I get that he is darker than his brothers and this book is supposed to reveal his inner darkness, but this didn't seem like the same guy who was always left out of the family decisions, who befriended Leandra, or who cried when his dad died. I don't know... his character was still great just feels like a whole new person.
I liked Evelyn's character and the way these two were thrown together - literally haha. It was a great meet cute. 
But the end... wtf was that?
Just so happens that the guard decided not to be there and Isaia decided not to stalk her for the first time? Then in the 10 min Evelyn has to pack she doesn't call Isaia or her mom? Why did it take Isaia a full week to stop this? What happened between Anthony and Evelyn during that week? Anthony seriously didn't see through it that whole week? She didn't want to tell Anthony what was going on because she didn't want to start a war even though she knows Isaia will 100% come after her and start a war? And probably kill people? She was thinking through all of the options but it didn't seem like she really thought about how this was going to play out.

Last thing - there were moments in this book where it was hard to follow what was physically happening. Like the timing was off or there were missing sentences. I don't mean the plot, I mean one sentence they are standing on the porch talking and then the next sentence he is handing her a motorcycle helmet telling her to get on. Or one sentence she is bringing coffee into the office, then after a 3 sentence back and forth between Isaia and Alexius, she is back asking if they want a refill. Hadn't it been less than 1 minute? These are just two minor examples that come to mind but I found myself having to reread paragraphs at times confused because of the jumps. 

Don't get me wrong, still enjoyed this series. It's like reading a juicy, smutty, dark soap-opera. And I will be reading the next book!