A review by _smileyrach_
This Is Where It Ends by Marieke Nijkamp


i’m ngl it’s not what i expected. for wtv reason i had this expectation that it’d be related to romance (since that’s what i mostly read and found this on tik tok) but i could not be more wrong.

it’s about a school shooting and the students’ pov of what’s happening around them.

the book was good don’t get me wrong. i enjoyed it enough to binge read it in one day. the characters who pissed me off the most would be the shooter and the blonde (is she even blonde?) track runner. the shooter alone is enough explanation, but the girl just rubbed me the wrong way and got on my nerves. the shooter was just creepy, annoying and a dick throughout the book. i hate hate hate how he offs himself in the end, omg it pissed me off so bad i really wanted him to suffer in jail or smth but no.

besides that i liked it. i loved the twins and their bond with one another, how it showed the good and bad between them. how realistic it is to have a sibling. i loved that it went a little deep with their family history, loved that there was some small LGBTQ+ plus in there.

i could see some foreshadowing throughout the book but what really got me crying was the ending with the twins. they were my favorites throughout the book and what happened to the guy just broke me. alongside with the sister lighting a candle in memory for her dead twin