A review by littlebirdbooks
Room by Emma Donoghue


I have no idea where to start with this one. It was one of the best books I've ever read, it's not often I come across a book that can separate itself into my favourites but this one easily made it.

Room is about a five-year-old boy called Jack who lives with his Ma in a room. It's all he's known for his whole life until one day Ma tells him of a world outside. The whole novel is in Jack's point of view, if it was written any other way it wouldn't have worked. His naive and innocent outlook on the world was refreshing and it made me wonder how I saw things as a child. Despite not having a textbook childhood he was very bright which just added to his innocence and gave more depth to his perception on life.

Jack learns everything from his Ma (and on occasion the TV). His Ma (whose name we never learn) is such a strong character, doing everything she can to protect the one person that matters to her. Likewise, to Jack his Ma is the most important person in his life and you see how much he loves her. In Room they were inseparable and nothing was going to change that.

There's so much more I want to say about this story however I don't want to give the story away. That's another thing I loved about this, the suspense. I was gripped right from the very beginning. I read some of it before bed and as soon as I woke up I just wanted to pick it back up and carry on. I quickly devoured this book and want to buy my own copy so I can read it again and again. It's not a very long book and as it's from Jack's POV it makes it such an easy read. One of my worried was the ending, I hate it when I'm disappointed by an ending but nothing about this one disappointed me.

This is a must read for everyone, I hope you all read it and it brings you the same feeling that it brought me.