A review by booktrovert_reads_romance
Guarded King by L.M. Dalgleish


The final King brother gets his HEA! It was not an easy road for him that’s for sure. 
I loved Chloe so much. She was such a pure ray of sunshine to Roman’s constant storm cloud that followed him around. Roman uses Chloe’s age as an excuse a lot because he doesn’t want to admit that he is attracted to her because it makes him too much like his father. He has been fighting to still be the ruthless businessman his father turned him into, while also showing the world that he is nothing like that man. In his eyes, entering into a relationship with his younger Executive Assistant would make him just like his father. 
Chloe’s life has essentially been on hold for years while she helped her father through heartache of her mother walking out & then the struggles of being diagnosed with an Autoimmune Disease that has temporarily taken away his ability to paint. A relationship with Roman is the first thing she has solely done for herself in years. 
I feel like the conversations where Roman realizes he can have the woman he loves without being looked at just like his father could’ve dug a little deeper, and I really would have loved to see some Karma coming back to the Ex-Mrs. Roman King because man did she deserve that. Overall though I really loved getting to go on this journey with Roman and Chloe. 
I am so sad that this series has come to an end but I loved getting to see little snippets of the whole family throughout this one. L.M. Dalgleish was one of the first Authors I discovered when I dove back into reading 3 years ago. I am so glad I found her books and I can honestly say…if she writes it I will read it!